
Below is my publication list.

Degenerate interpretations of O3 spectral features in exoplanet atmosphere observations due to stellar UV uncertainties: a 3D case study with TRAPPIST-1e

GJ Cooke, DR Marsh, C Walsh, A Youngblood (October 2023)

Higher Water Loss on Earth-like Exoplanets in Eccentric Orbits

B Liu, DR Marsh, C Walsh, G Cooke (September 2023)

Comparison between ozone column depths and methane lifetimes computed by one- and three-dimensional models at different atmospheric O2 levels

A Ji, JF Kasting, GJ Cooke, DR Marsh, K Tsigaridis (May 2023)

Variability due to climate and chemistry in observations of oxygenated Earth-analogue exoplanets

GJ Cooke, DR Marsh, C Walsh, S Rugheimer, GL Villanueva (January 2023)

A revised lower estimate of ozone columns during Earth’s oxygenated history

GJ Cooke, DR Marsh, C Walsh, B Black, JF Lamarque (January 2022)